Bird's Eye View News

Honoring a Legacy of Supporting Learning Differences


In 2006, Shelby’s son, 格雷森的18, who was in 1st grade at the time, 他第一次在新朋友约翰·诺沃格拉迪的家过夜,想回家. 他很想家,虽然很晚了,芭芭拉还是毫不犹豫地拿起了电话.

Shelby recalls, “She had Grayson next to her when she called. She treated him with kindness and as an equal. Barbara said to me, “mg电子试玩app这里发生了一些事情,格雷森正在考虑是留下来还是回家.’” Shelby noted that there was no shame in her voice, no humiliation, just a simple fact and a wish for Grayson’s well-being. Grayson did leave without sleeping over and Barbara, being the incredible friend she was, insisted on driving him home herself.  

Wisdom, Wit and Humor

芭芭拉·琼·诺沃格拉迪克是一个非凡的人,她以深刻的智慧、机智和幽默而被人们铭记. 她是一股强大的力量,为家人和朋友提供安慰和指导. 的确,她似乎以某种特殊而有意义的方式触动了她生命中的每一个人, leaving each one with a bit of wisdom, 或见解, or just a little chuckle over something amusing,” Mava Reif, Barbara’s sister-in-law shared in Barbara’s “remembrance of life” book. Kristi Farnham-Thompson, 学生健康和支持部门主席和低年级学习专家, acknowledged Barbara’s impact, 形容她是一个有影响力的存在,挑战并激励其他人做得更好. 

可悲的是,芭芭拉与胰腺癌的勇敢斗争在去年夏天结束了. Her legacy lives on, 然而, 她热情地为有学习差异的学生和他们的家庭辩护.

Compassionately Normalizing Neurodiversity

In the early 2000s, 芭芭拉在海德-罗伊的学习差异网络(LDN)的发展和扩展中发挥了关键作用,这是一个与家长和监护人携手合作的宝贵资源, 老师, and Learning Specialists to improve the 经验 of all Head-Royce students. 她成为了LDN的主席,与其他家长志愿者并肩工作.

Under Barbara’s vision and leadership, LDN有助于在MG免费游戏试玩平台中培养一种促进移情和规范神经多样性的环境. 芭芭拉给学校的礼物之一是她明白学生应该互相了解. She appreciated all perspectives and viewpoints and wanted to give parents, students and the wider community the tools to unmask. She had a great consideration of all perspectives,” shared Erich Tupper, former LDN volunteer 和家长 of 格雷森的18 and Remington ’16.

在一起, and with other parent volunteers, 芭芭拉和她的团队意识到一定还有其他家庭和他们一样在挣扎. Barbara's vision extended beyond individual families; she aimed to make the LDN a comprehensive resource benefiting everyone at the school. “Barbara took the LDN to the next level and school-wide. 她的观点是,它不应该一次为一个家庭服务,而是为每个人服务, all the time,” said Erich Tupper. 

因为她,这所学校对所有学生来说都是一个更强大、更支持的机构,” Farnham-Thompson said of Barbara’s contribution. Decades later, the Learning Difference Network remains a thriving resource for information, 经验, 和家长, guardian and teacher education.

Continuing the Legacy

In honor of Barbara's memory, 诺沃格拉迪家族于2023年设立了一项礼物,以支持海德罗伊斯学校学习差异的学生. 这笔慷慨的捐款确保了对学习差异学生的资助增加, perpetuating Barbara's commitment to making a difference in students’ lives.

芭芭拉因其迷人的风度和迷人的讲话风格而深受人们的喜爱, but despite her charisma, she never sought the spotlight. She lived in accordance with her own code of conduct. 在她的许多智慧妙语中,她最喜欢的一句是“做一匹干活的马,而不是秀马”. “Barbara was incredibly self-effacing. She was a partner with the school, not a crusader,” recalled Shahana Sarkar, Dean of 学者 and Community. 她只是想改变学生和他们家庭的生活,在幕后勤奋地工作. “She would question why her name was being used,” Charles (CJ) ’15 joked, 呼应了芭芭拉更关心为学生带来改变的情绪, not being recognized for her efforts. 

她对有学习差异的学生的奉献源于她对自己孩子的爱-伊丽莎白(艾莉)' 20, John ’18 and CJ ’15—all Head-Royce lifers. Barbara was volunteering on campus one day when CJ was very young. She overheard him reading in the library—not very well, CJ confessed—which prompted her to assess him for learning difficulties. 他的阅读障碍诊断是她转变为所有学习差异学生的激烈捍卫者的第一步. 

She loved her kids and would do anything for them…in fact, she would do anything for anybody’s kid,” Erich Tupper recalled. Shelby reflects on conversations with Barbara about that moment of discovery, when a person grasps a new understanding about themselves. 那一刻,他们意识到他们的挑战是有原因和名称的,为什么他们一直在努力观察“顿悟时刻”.’

Ahead of the Wave

During the time of CJ’s diagnosis, mg电子试玩app学习差异的全国性讨论和意识在不断增强. Advocating for accommodations, assessments, changes in classroom management and expectations were increasing. 世界正处在对大脑如何工作的更科学理解的风口浪尖上. 芭芭拉对LDN的参与促成了整个HRS社区理解的转变. 一些人认为她与LDN的合作彻底改变了学校的文化.

Novogradac家族为纪念Barbara而赠送的礼物不仅为校园里更多的学生提供了直接支持,而且还加强了学习专家和课堂教师之间的合作,以改善孩子们的学习成果. Additionally, it will assist families in obtaining assessments for their students, particularly those who demonstrate financial need. 


Inspiring Future Advocates

芭芭拉·诺沃格拉迪的遗产在海德罗伊斯学校和其他地方继续闪耀着光芒. 她无私奉献,支持有学习差异的学生和他们的家庭,为所有学生创造了一个更具包容性的环境,并在社区留下了不可磨灭的重要印记. Novogradac家族对她的慷慨馈赠确保了她的愿景得以延续, providing vital support, resources and opportunities to students in need. Barbara's impact will be forever cherished, 她坚定不移地致力于改变世界,这将激励子孙后代倡导那些学习方式不同的人.