Bird's Eye View News

校友 Webinar Panel: Diversity 和 Representation in Hollywood

On a brisk evening at the end of November, 海德-罗伊斯也有自己的星夜:与三位著名校友举办了一次特别的网络研讨会, 吴丹,92年, Cameron Johnson ‘03Krista Marie Yu '06. Last at HRS earning graduation credits, these distinguished guests rejoined us, 这一次,他们的名字上有了新的荣誉,包括电影和电视表演, 写作, producing 和 directing.  

这次会议, 来引发一场mg电子试玩app好莱坞的多样性和交叉性的讨论, brought these three industry insiders together with parents, students 和 other distinguished guests. 由著名校友、娱乐作家、编辑和文化评论家主持, Olivia Truffaut-Wong '09, 和 beloved 上学校 Drama 和 English teacher, 安迪矛, 这场生动的——有时是非常私人的——谈话为银幕背后提供了一个亲密的视角, 在一个由消费文化和对多维特征的新生欲望驱动的行业. 

“When was the first time you saw yourself represented on screen?” Truffaut-Wong asked the panel. 研究表明,通过对一个人或性格的认同来认识自己——无论是通过外表, background or belief—is important, 和 shows that role models can be influential 和 aspirational. They help us strive to become who we want to be 和 to overcome obstacles. 

Dan Wu recalled films from his youth like the 1984 John Hughes movie, “十六支蜡烛,,演员渡边格德(Gedde Watanabe)在片中扮演了一个极其夸张的亚裔美国人形象——一个弱者, heavily-accented Asian foreign exchange student—in the role, 龙德栋. These characters, Wu reflected, were not how he saw himself. 于是,他转向了香港和中国内地的电影,这些电影都有李小龙这样的强大男主角, Jet Lee 和 Jackie Chan for his heroes. 

Cameron Johnson quipped “I would say, Dion in ‘Clueless’,” drawing appreciative chuckles from fellow panelists, 并添加, “我认为,直到我真正创作了一部节目,我才在电视上看到像我这样的人.然后他挖苦地说,也许《mg电子试玩app》里的角色——“一群碰巧是女人的男同性恋”——可能和他对自己性格的看法很接近.

For Krista Marie Yu, 她第一次想象自己在屏幕上的样子是在看《MG免费游戏试玩平台》里的崔妮,”(, 她说, was “so so cool”) 和 the former figure skater, 克里斯蒂山口. 

虽然每个小组成员都承认娱乐行业缺乏多元化的代表, 每个人都同意,他们独特的声音和观点推动了他们的职业生涯.

Wu’s career launched in Hong Kong in 1997.  While there for a college graduation trip, he was scouted on the street. 他从未考虑过演戏,并期望在美国从事建筑职业。. Recruited into the filmmaking industry in China, he learned to speak Chinese 和 ultimately worked on over 65 pictures, portraying strong leading men for a Chinese audience. “It’s a big struggle to try to change perceptions,” he reflected about the American filmmaking industry. “我在亚洲银幕上是一个动作英雄,在这里我扮演了更多的角色和配角.”


吴观察到,如果他在美国开始他的职业生涯,他可能不会在这个行业取得成功, 在那个时候,他会和亚裔美国男性竞争同样有限的角色吗. “(在中国)我很早就被赋予了权力,很早就被安排担任主角,很早就被告知我可以成为明星,他说.

Yu的电影生涯大约在10年前开始,她对这段引导她的旅程感到非常感激. “我爱上了我觉得自己擅长的东西,那就是表演,”她解释道. Following the advice she was given, “If you want to act, you have to love it. You can’t have another Plan B,” she moved to Los Angeles, California after college to be near her gr和mother. While holding down babysitting 和 hostessing jobs, she auditioned for every role available, 注意到所有的试镜室都挤满了极具天赋的亚洲女演员. “Luck,” 她说, “only gets you so far. Working really hard is what gets me the furthest…和 gratitude,” Yu said. 在几次客串、几次广告和几句俏皮话之后,她的休息时间又来了,她接到了《mg电子试玩app》(Dr. Ken,” a multi-camera sitcom on ABC from 2015-17. At 27, she l和ed the role of Molly, Dr. Ken’s typically-American teenage daughter. 

mg电子试玩app刻板印象, 于反映, “People write in a specific way, mg电子试玩app有, 作为演员, the choice in how we want to take that 写作 和 make it into something.” Although her character in “Last Man St和ing” had an Asian accent—which she had to learn—she feels “a stereotype is only if the joke is on the accent or the joke is on the person; you [actors] have the power 和 the opportunity 和 the creative expansion to develop the backstory 和 to develop an actual person with all these different layers that might not be shown on screen but [that] will fuel your work.” To develop an accent, 她为自己的角色聘请了导师,帮助她学习粤语和普通话. The script writers for “Last Man St和ing,她坦白道。, 有时写她的角色说广东话,有时写普通话. To accommodate for the inconsistency, 她为自己的角色发展了背景故事,她觉得这给角色带来了新的深度,这得到了编剧和其他演员的赞赏.

Speaking of writers, 和y pivoted to Cameron Johnson 和 asked, “在这个过程中,你觉得你可以从哪里开始贡献你最真实的声音?”

约翰逊说:“感谢海德-罗伊斯大学……我接受了很好的教育,南加州大学也很轻松。. 他在南加州大学修了很多课程,其中一门是2004-05年的编剧课. While it solidified his desire to write, he felt he came out of school wanting to be someone he was not. 

“I wanted to be Ryan Murphy…I wanted to be Alan Ball..I wanted to write ‘Nip/Tuck‘ 和 those sorts of soaps,他说. 当时他不敢写黑人,因为没有优质的黑人电视节目——只有喜剧. 和, 他指出, although it is not widely shared, that even those comedies were written by white people. 当时, he said of the industry, “it was very rare for a Black person to be in a position of power.“他开始写与他的生活或生活经历无关的剧本. 他会把这些交给销售代表,他们会问:“那么,又高又有趣的黑人同性恋,你为什么要写这些??” 

“我意识到 it wasn't working,” Johnson said. Taking stock of the people who were being sought, 他注意到他们都在写自己,这促使他写一些mg电子试玩app自己生活的东西. 他在一个约会网站上做了一个社会实验后,写了一篇博客,在网上疯传. 他说, “我意识到, 好酷, so what I’ve been trying to write like is other people, 和 what I need to be doing is write like me…” He wrote his first pilot, “Me in High School,” which l和ed him his first job 和 his first manager. His second pilot got him an acting role on a show called “Zoe Ever After.他把自己的第三部作品《mg电子试玩app》(White People Problems)卖给了Bravo电视台,从此他得到了每一份工作. “我意识到 that my voice was the thing that gave me power early,” he observed. He’s been 写作 in his own voice 和 about his own material ever since.

吴插嘴说, “早些时候,我想mg电子试玩app都认为进入好莱坞这一行意味着mg电子试玩app必须透过白色的镜头来看待它, 和 we’re seeing now that it’s no longer the case, mg电子试玩app不再需要这样做,你独特的声音对你来说是特别的,这是mg电子试玩app必须珍惜和继续做的.”

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